
pinkStardust :  my search for time and space  continues... Why the name  pinkStardust ? Very shortly after the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 the US (in collaboration with the UK) began a frenzy of atomic testing.  That testing was taking place in two major areas in the US (Utah and Nevada) and in the south Pacific.   60 miles south of the Nevada testing site lay Las Vegas.   A map found online As the propaganda machine revved up in earnest, the following message became embedded in our Cold War psyche with the USSR.  Our bombs "good" (the US),  their bombs "bad" (the USSR).  And it worked.  We became fascinated with everything atomic, including atomic testing.  After all, our fascination was necessary if we, the public, would be willing to tolerate the radioactive fallout that came along with nuclear testing.   I would have been fascinated, wouldn't you? And, we needed to be fascinated if we would also continue to b...
 pinkStardust: my search for time and space Would you be surprised to discover that you are expendable?  That your life has no value other than as a test subject?  That decisions are made about your life without your knowledge or consent? That double speak and strategies from a military operations manual created in the 1930s (the Psychological Operations manual) may be defining the parameters of your existence?  Sounds crazy, right? Like a conspiracy theory. Well, as Inga said to her new husband Fredrick in Mel Brooks' "Young Frankenstein" "Hold on to your hat darling!" Because the story of our atomic history, especially the era of our testing times, is so crazy that it could be a Mel Brooks movie! I call the story, as expressed in my art installation, pinkStardust . The concept for pinkStardust first came into my consciousness in 2012 - and I've been obsessed with it ever since, and maybe that's a little crazy too. pinkStardust is the second of a three ...

From PLEASEtouch to pinkStardust: my search for time and space

Introduction:  From  PLEASE touch to  pinkStardust :  my search for time and space I originally created this blog using the title  PLEASE touch   to discuss the solo exhibition it was named after.  The work, a gallery installation, was by invitation for Artworks Center for Contemporary Art, in Loveland CO (2021). Past blog postings talk more about the installation. As time flowed by I expanded the blog to include some of my work with water.  Now, I am changing the focus of the blog from  PLEASE touch  to  pinkStardust :  my search for time and space.   The title expresses my desire to secure both an exhibition space and an exhibition schedule for my installation  pinkStardust . PLEASE touch  - a brief reminder PLEASE touch  was both an unusual installation and an unusual opportunity. What made it so was that I didn't focus it around a theme, didn't tell a story.  It wasn't about anything.  It was c...

My Three Stories About Water

Or, how water found me in the west. There is such a difference between thinking something and feeling something.  What can drive us crazy as human beings, namely our emotional life, is the very thing that allows a visceral response to what we are experiencing. Are you familiar with that vibration that seems to begin in one’s gut, then travels all through one’s body? It precedes a kind of knowing that can only come from our absorbing an experience right into our cells. It functions as an alarm of sorts.  An alert. A physical message saying,  Pay attention. This is important. The first time it happened to me during an experience with water, a friend had just gifted me a copy of Masaru Emoto’s book  The Hidden Messages in Water .  Emoto’s work revealed, through empirical observation, that water reacts to human thought and emotion by playing certain kinds of music to water, then photographing the resulting affects. Emoto observed both beautiful crystalline...

Today we celebrate Earth Day - but, everyday is Earth Day

Hello.  As we celebrate Earth Day today I am posting some images of dirt, of water and of mud.  Or more specifically, of works made with dirt and water and mud. Thank you for visiting and thank you for keeping Gia in our upmost thoughts, in our hearts -  and to keep us working to make her well again. Water: Water dripping from the roof of our house.               Snow, in our backyard.                                A soaking for The World Wide Water Project.               Detail of Water Fountain , from the installation                                             Landscape for an Institution of Higher Learning. Below left: Detail of Water Offering from the installation "skin".   ...

Street Shrine I: Love without Power/Power without Love

  Street Shrine I: Love without Power/Power without Love  An image of the inside of the shrine. All blog post photos:  Robin L. Snyder Street Shrine I: Love without Power/Power without Love was inspired by Martin Luther King's Dr. Martin Luther King's speech "Where Do We Go From Here?" Annual report, delivered at the 11th Convention of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, August 16, 1967. Atlanta, GA. Street Shrine I: Love without Power/Power without Love is dedicated to the existence and function of our pineal gland - allowing us to connect with the divine. Materials: Cardboard freezer box, recycled cardboard boxes, cardboard design remnants from laser-cut patterns, paint, Dollar Store decorative bling, plastic & metal religious icons, paper information scrolls, pine cones, recycled jewelry, plastic candles, pillow covered in vintage remnant fabrics. Concept and inspiration: The first time I encountered a person living on the street was during a ...